Saturday, November 10, 2012

What a long strange trip its been....

....and yes that was another musical reference, now name the band! We landed at JFK this morning a little after 6:00 am and Declan became the newest United States Citizen with that touchdown!  We have now landed at Newark (Savannah), Chicago (Adien) and JFK (Declan) on our return from adoption. What an experience! Oh yea, and there was snow on the ground! We are pretty sure Declan has never seen it before, so I wish we could go out and play in it! So we made our way to United States Customs and Immigration with our 3 kids, or torrent of carry on bags and a lack of sustainable sleep.

As many of you parents know, navigating an airport with kids is difficult, and I am here to tell you its even more difficult with 3!  Thank goodness for the mega stroller! It kept the boys close at hand and with Savannah rolling her suitcase, it was quite uneventful (except for one small mishap!).
The flight in from Vancouver was smooth and trouble free and the kids were no trouble at all. The biggest issue was with Aiden not wanting to be in the toilet as it was flushed as it was too loud! He told me "Dad, do not flush that thing while I am sitting on it please", and I almost cried from laughing as he was so serious! I also thought that the meals served by Cathay Pacific were good as well, so lets hear it for descent airline food this time around!

And speaking of time, since we left woke up in Guangzhou on Friday morning (7:00 am), we have been up for a total of nearly 37 hours, with 5 of those in a van and 16 on planes so far. When we get home today just before 3:00 pm I am thinking that we will be just a little worn out! With that in mind Ann Marie and I will not summarize our trip until we get some sleep and can really digest it, but it definitely has been special. When Declan gives you a hug, you can feel the love he already has for us, and he is quickly growing into begin a special little man in our family.

So with that, I think I will go and enjoy the quiet creature comforts of the American Airlines Admirals Club here at JFK and give Ann Marie a break as she watches the kids. Onward to Raleigh-Durham and home!!

So till next time....

Michael (Are you going to eat your carrot cake?), Ann Marie (I am beginning to hate the Thomas song), Savannah (Can I ride in the stroller too?), Aiden (Is this airport home?) and Declan (one more airplane ride till I am home!) Kennedy

Thank goodness for the kids room and the constant cartoons on the TV!
Yes sir, that's snow on the ground!  Didn't they just get a hurricane a week or so ago?
Aiden was a true fan of the great selection of movies and free drinks on the airplane!

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